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A Longitudinal Analysis of Nurse Suicide in the United States (2005-2016) With Recommendations for Action

Davidson, Judy E.; Proudfoot, James; Lee, Kelly; Terterian, Garni; Zisook, Sidney

Any: 2020

Background Previous studies have demonstrated nurses are at risk of suicide. This is the first national longitudinal study of U.S. nurse suicide. Aims To identify the longitudinal incidence, method, and risks of nurse suicide in the United States. Methods 2005 to 2016 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Violent Death Reporting System retrospective analysis of suicide incident rate ratios (IRR). Results A total of 1,824 nurse and 152,495 non-nurse suicides were evaluated. Nurses were at greater risk of suicide than the general population (female IRR 1.395, 95% confidence intervals [CI] 1.323, 1.470, p < .001; male IRR 1.205, 95% CI 1.083, 1.338, p < .001). Female nurses who completed suicide did so most frequently by pharmacologic poisoning (n = 399, 27.2% vs. n = 8,843, 26.9%), whereby male nurses and the general public used firearms (n = 148, 41.7% vs. n = 57,887, 48.4%). Job problems were more likely in nurses (female odds ratio [OR] 1.989, 95% CI 1.695, 2.325, p < .001; male OR 1.814, 95% CI 1.380, 2.359, p < .001), as well as mental health history (female OR 1.126, 95% CI 1.013, 1.253, p < .027; male OR 1.302, 95% CI 1.048, 1.614, p = .016) and leaving a suicide note (female OR 1.221, 95% CI 1.096, 1.360, p < .001; male OR 1.756 [1.412, 2.181], p < .001). Linking Evidence to Action The increased risk of suicide in nurses is congruent with previous reports. The consistency in results increases confidence that findings are generalizable and warrant action. The use of pharmacologic poisoning as a method of suicide, most often by opioids and benzodiazepines, indicates a need for improved identification and treatment of nurses with substance use. Workplace wellness programs need to focus on reducing workplace stressors. Further research is indicated to determine best prevention methods. Policy indications include the need to accurately track gender in nursing, enhance substance use disorder programs, and mandate suicide prevention activities.

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Paraules clau:

suicide; workplace wellness; depression; substance use disorder; mental health; poisoning; burnout; firearms


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Darrera actualització: 25/04/2024

Centre de documentació sobre drogodependències i altres trastorns addictius Dr. Emilio Bogani Miquel
Cendoc Bogani

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