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Buprenorphine to reverse respiratory depression from methadone overdose in opioid-dependent patients: a prospective randomized trial

Zamani, Nasim; Buckley, Nicholas A.; Hassanian-Moghaddam, Hossein

Any: 2020

Background Naloxone is the usual drug used in opioid-induced respiratory depression but it has a short half-life, precipitates withdrawal in dependent patients, and thus for persistent reversal of long-acting opioids has to be given by titrated doses and infusions. The partial agonist buprenorphine has a much longer duration of action and causes less severe withdrawal, but still should largely reverse respiratory depression induced by full agonist opioids. We aimed to compare the efficacy/safety of buprenorphine and naloxone in reversing respiratory depression in methadone-poisoned opioid-dependent patients. Methods Patients with methadone-induced respiratory depression were randomized to receive naloxone (titrated doses), or lower or higher doses of buprenorphine (10 mu g/kg or 15 mu g/kg). The primary outcome was immediate reversal of respiratory depression. We also recorded acute opioid withdrawal, need for intubation/recurrent apnea, repeated doses of opioid antagonists, length of hospital stay, other morbidity, and mortality. The study was registered with the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (Trial ID: 18265; Approval code: IRCT2015011020624N1). Results Eighty-five patients were randomized; 55/56 patients who received buprenorphine had rapid reversal of respiratory depression, which persisted for at least 12 h. Naloxone was effective in 28/29 patients, but often required very high titrated doses (thus delaying time to respond) and prolonged infusions. Intubation (8/29 vs 5/56) and opioid withdrawal (15/29 vs 7/56) were less common with buprenorphine. There were no serious complications or deaths in those receiving buprenorphine. The 15-mu g/kg buprenorphine dose appeared to provide a longer duration of action, but precipitated withdrawal more frequently than the 10-mu g/kg dose. Conclusion Buprenorphine appears to be a safe and effective substitute for naloxone in overdosed opioid-dependent patients. Further studies are warranted to explore the optimal dosing strategy for buprenorphine to consistently maintain reversal of respiratory depression but not precipitate withdrawal.

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Paraules clau:

Opioid overdose; Antidote treatment; Methadone; Naloxone; Buprenorphine


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Darrera actualització: 25/04/2024

Centre de documentació sobre drogodependències i altres trastorns addictius Dr. Emilio Bogani Miquel
Cendoc Bogani

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