cendoc bogani publicaciones PMD conductas adictivas

Fitxa Bibliografía científica

Naloxone-precipitated withdrawal ameliorates impairment of cost-benefit decision making in morphine-treated rats: Involvement of BDNF, p-GSK3-beta, and p-CREB in the amygdala

Fatahi, Zahra; Zeinaddini-Meymand, Arman; Karimi-Haghighi, Saeideh; Moradi, Marzieh; Khodagholi, Fariba; Haghparast, Abbas

Any: 2020

Several studies indicated that morphine administration impairs cognitive brain functions. Therefore, in the current study, we investigated the effect of subchronic exposure to morphine and its withdrawal on effort- and/or delay-based forms of cost-benefit decision making and alterations in p-CREB/CREB ratio, p-GSK3 beta/GSK3 beta ratio, and BDNF level during decision making in the amygdala. Our data displayed an impairment of both forms of cost-benefit decision making following subchronic exposure to morphine. However, preference of high reward/high effort and/or high delay reward increased after naloxone injection. In molecular section, levels of BDNF and p-CREB/CREB ratio increased during cost-benefit decision making while p-GSK3 beta/GSK3 beta ratio decreased in both forms of decision making. In morphine-treated rats, level of BDNF and p-CREB/CREB ratio reduced during both forms of decision making while p-GSK3 beta/GSK3 beta ratio increased during delay-based and did not have a significant difference with the control group during effort-based decision making. On the withdrawal day, BDNF level raised while p-GSK3 beta/GSK3 beta ratio attenuated compared to morphine-treated group in both form of decision making. In addition, p-CREB/CREB ratio increased only during delay-based decision making on the withdrawal day. In conclusion, our data revealed that subchronic exposure to morphine interferes with the cost-benefit decision making may be via changes in level of BDNF, p-CREB/CREB and p-GSK3 beta/GSK3 beta ratio in the amygdala.

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Paraules clau:

Decision making; Morphine; Amygdala; BDNF; p-GSK3 beta/GSK3 beta ratio; p-CREB/CREB ratio


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Darrera actualització: 25/04/2024

Centre de documentació sobre drogodependències i altres trastorns addictius Dr. Emilio Bogani Miquel
Cendoc Bogani

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