cendoc bogani publicaciones PMD conductas adictivas

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Receipt of opioid agonist treatment halves the risk of HIV-1 RNA viral load rebound through improved ART adherence for HIV-infected women who use illicit drugs

Adams, Joella W.; Marshall, Brandon D. L.; Salleh, Nur Afiqah Mohd; Barrios, Rolando; Nolan, Seonaid; Milloy, M. -J.

Any: 2020

Background: Women living with HIV who use illicit drugs may be particularly vulnerable to HIV-1 RNA viral load (VL) rebound. Methods: We used longitudinal data from 2006 to 2017 to evaluate the impact of sociodemographic, behavioral, social-structural, and clinical factors on the hazard of viral rebound for women enrolled in the ACCESS study, a prospective cohort with systematic VL monitoring. Women were included if they achieved VL suppression ( < 50 copies/mL) following antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation and had more than one study interview. Sociodemographic as well as substance use, social-structural, addiction treatment, and HIV clinical factors were evaluated as predictors of viral rebound (VL > 1000 copies/mL). Cox regressions using a recurrent events framework, time-varying covariates, robust standard errors, and a frailty component were used. Results: Of the 185 women included, 62 (34%) experienced at least one viral rebound event over an 11-year period, accumulating a total of 87 viral rebound events. In adjusted analysis, stimulant use more than doubled the hazard of viral rebound (adjusted hazard ratio [AHR]: 2.35, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.07-5.14) while the only factor protective against viral rebound was receipt of opioid agonist treatment (OAT) in the past six months (AHR: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.26-0.81). After adjusting for ART adherence in the past six months, the effect of OAT was attenuated (AHR: 0.57, 95% CI: 0.32-1.02). Conclusions: Efforts to improve access to and retention within OAT programs and decrease stimulant use may improve rates of viral suppression for HIV-positive women who use illicit drugs.

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Paraules clau:

Opioid-related disorders; Medication assisted treatment of opioid use disorder; Women; Illicit drugs; HIV-1


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Darrera actualització: 25/04/2024

Centre de documentació sobre drogodependències i altres trastorns addictius Dr. Emilio Bogani Miquel
Cendoc Bogani

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