cendoc bogani publicaciones PMD conductas adictivas

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An Analysis of the Role of Intelligence Games in Policies Aimed at Fighting Gaming Addiction

Dagli, Zulkif

Año: 2020

The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship of gaming addiction tendencies for students studying in schools with intelligence games course compared to those without and to start a conceptual discussion. The study adopts the quantitative approach with data being collected using a questionnaire. The study has been conducted during the 2019 spring semester. The study sample includes students in equal numbers from the same socio-economic levels and from schools with and without intelligence games courses in Duzce´s city center. A total of 1.870 students have been analyzed within the scope of the study. The study´s results indicate that the students studying in schools with an intelligence games course are less likely to develop gaming addiction. Accordingly, intelligence games courses may be used successfully in the fight against gaming addiction. Those who prefer online games can further be argued to be more likely to develop gaming addiction, which leads us to the conclusion that online games are a critical element in the development of gaming addiction. Finally, the study has revealed male students to be more likely to develop gaming addictions than female students. Therefore, gender and online gaming should be considered as the risk factors for game addiction.

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Palabras clave:

Adicción a los videojuegos; Juegos de inteligencia; Curso de juegos de inteligencia; Adicción a Internet


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Última actualización: 25/04/2024

Centro de documentación sobre drogodependencias y otros trastornos adictivos Dr. Emilio Bogani Miquel
Cendoc Bogani

Publicaciones, Artículos, Carteles, Posters y enlaces Web sobre Drogodependencias y Trastornos Adictivos relevantes para profesionales de las Ciencias de la Salud, Educación e Información.

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