cendoc bogani publicaciones PMD conductas adictivas

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" Smoking weed it gets you over the hump": " : Cannabis co-use as a facilitator of decreased opioid use among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles, California

Ganesh, Siddhi S.; Gould, Erin E.; Conner, Bradley T.; Huh, Jimi; Ceasar, Rachel Carmen; Bluthenthal, Ricky N.

"I don´t think that a medication is going to help someone long-term stay off opioids": Treatment and recovery beliefs of rural Vermont family members of people with opioid use disorder

Peasley-Miklus, Catherine E.; Shaw, Julia G.; Rosingana, Katie; Smith, Mary Lindsey; Sigmon, Stacey C.; Heil, Sarah H.; Jewiss, Jennifer; Villanti, Andrea C.; Harder, Valerie S.

"A lot of moving parts": Recovery home challenges linking and housing individuals with criminal legal system involvement

Dewey, Jodie M.; Bell, Justin S.; Konchak, Juleigh Nowinski; Hinami, Keiki; Watson, Dennis P.

"Expected to happen": perspectives on post-release overdose from recently incarcerated people with opioid use disorder

Michener, Pryce S.; Bianchet, Elyse; Fox, Shannon; Evans, Elizabeth A.; Friedmann, Peter D.

"General Addiction Liability" Revisited

Watts, Ashley L.; Sher, Kenneth J.; Heath, Andrew C.; Steinley, Douglas; Brusco, Michael

"I Like the Vibes It Gives": Adolescent Perspectives on Cannabis Billboards and Print Advertising in Nevada

Drake, Cara S.; Sloan, Kim; Anderson, Meghan; Clements-Nolle, Kristen D.; Pearson, Jennifer L.

"If everyone knew about this, how many lives could we save?": Do drug suppliers have a role in reducing overdose risk?

Hedden-Clayton, Bethany; Cochran, Jes; Carroll, Jennifer J.; Kral, Alex H.; Victor, Grant; Comartin, Erin; Ray, Bradley

"If it wasn´t for them, I don´t think I would be here": experiences of the first year of a safer supply program during the dual public health emergencies of COVID-19 and the drug toxicity crisis

Kolla, Gillian; Pauly, Bernie; Cameron, Fred; Hobbs, Heather; Ranger, Corey; McCall, Jane; Majalahti, Jerry; Toombs, Kim; LeMaistre, Jack; Selfridge, Marion; Urbanoski, Karen

"Make yourself un-NIMBY-able": stakeholder perspectives on strategies to mobilize public and political support for overdose prevention centers in the United States of America

Rosen, Joseph G.; Thompson, Erin; Tardif, Jessica; Collins, Alexandra B.; Marshall, Brandon D. L.; Park, Ju Nyeong

"Naloxone? Not for me!" First cross-assessment by patients and healthcare professionals of the risk of opioid overdose

Aquizerate, Aurelie; Rousselet, Morgane; Cochard, Axel; Guerlais, Marylene; Gerardin, Marie; Lefebvre, Emilie; Duval, Melanie; Laforgue, Edouard-Jules; Victorri-Vigneau, Caroline

"Take services to the people": strategies to optimize uptake of PrEP and harm reduction services among people who inject drugs in Uganda

Kamusiime, Brenda; Beima-Sofie, Kristin; Chhun, Nok; Nalumansi, Alisaati; Nalukwago, Grace Kakoola; Kasiita, Vicent; Twesige, Chris Collins; Kansiime, Ritah; Muwonge, Timothy R.; Kyambadde, Peter; Kadama, Herbert; Mudiope, Peter; Glick, Sara; Lambdin, Bar

"They make it too hard and too many hoops to jump": system and organizational barriers to drug treatment during epidemic rates of opioid overdose

Dickson-Gomez, Julia; Krechel, Sarah; Ohlrich, Jessica; Montaque, Helena Danielle Green; Weeks, Margaret; Li, Jianghong; Havens, Jennifer; Spector, Antoinette

"Tranq-dope": The first fatal intoxication due to xylazine-adulterated heroin in Italy

Di Trana, Annagiulia; Di Giorgi, Alessandro; Carlier, Jeremy; Serra, Francesco; Busardo, Francesco Paolo; Pichini, Simona

"Wanna cry this out real quick?": an examination of secondary traumatic stress risk and resilience among post-overdose outreach staff in Massachusetts

Schoenberger, Samantha F.; Cummins, Emily R.; Carroll, Jennifer J.; Yan, Shapei; Lambert, Audrey; Bagley, Sarah M.; Xuan, Ziming; Green, Traci C.; Cook, Franklin; Yule, Amy M.; Walley, Alexander Y.; Formica, Scott W.

Concejalía de Servicios Sociales de l´Ajuntament de València

Logotipo Universitat de València
Logotipo UISYS
Logotipo CSIC
Logotipo Consellería de Sanitat de la Generalitat Valenciana

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Última actualización: 11/03/2025

Centro de documentación sobre drogodependencias y otros trastornos adictivos Dr. Emilio Bogani Miquel
Cendoc Bogani

Publicaciones, Artículos, Carteles, Posters y enlaces Web sobre Drogodependencias y Trastornos Adictivos relevantes para profesionales de las Ciencias de la Salud, Educación e Información.

Copyright © Centro de documentación sobre drogodependencias y otros trastornos adictivos Dr. Emilio Bogani Miquel, 2019.
Cendoc Bogani - C/ Amadeo de Saboya, 11 - bajo - 46010 - Valencia
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