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Reentry Interventions That Address Substance Use: A Systematic Review

Moore, Kelly E.; Hacker, Robyn L.; Oberleitner, Lindsay; McKee, Sherry A.

Año: 2020

Justice-involved individuals with substance use problems have heightened risk of relapse and recidivism after release from incarceration, making reentry a critical time to provide evidence-based treatments (EBTs) for substance use; however, the extent to which reentry interventions incorporate EBTs for substance use is unclear. This systematic review identified studies of reentry interventions in the past 10 years that address substance use, assessed whether EBTs were used, and explored which interventions were effective in reducing substance use and recidivism postrelease. Eligible studies included interventions that began during incarceration and continued postrelease or began within 3 months of release and addressed substance use in some capacity. One hundred twelve full text articles were reviewed and 38 met inclusion criteria, representing 34 unique interventions. Of the 34 interventions, 21 provided substance use treatment whereas 13 facilitated connections to treatment. Of the 21 interventions providing treatment, the primary modalities were cognitive-behavioral therapy (n = 6), motivational interviewing (n = 2). medication assisted treatment (n = 2), therapeutic community (n = 2), psychoeducation or 12-step (a = 5), and four did not specify the modality. Of the 31 studies that assessed recidivism outcomes. 18 found reduced recidivism for the treatment group on at least one indicator (e.g., rearrest, reincarceration). Of the 13 studies that assessed substance use outcomes, 7 found reduced substance use for the treatment group on at least one indicator. Results were not consistent for any particular treatment approach or modality and highlight the need for consistent integration of EBTs for substance use into reentry interventions.

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Palabras clave:

reentry intervention; substance use; offenders; cognitive-behavioral therapy; evidence-based treatment


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Última actualización: 25/04/2024

Centro de documentación sobre drogodependencias y otros trastornos adictivos Dr. Emilio Bogani Miquel
Cendoc Bogani

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