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Cannabis legalization, tobacco prevention policies, and Cannabis use in E-cigarettes among youth

Nicksic, Nicole E.; Do, Elizabeth K.; Barnes, Andrew J.

Año: 2020

Background: E-cigarettes are the most popular tobacco product among youth. As more states adopt cannabis legalization policies, youth cannabis use in e-cigarettes is a mounting concern. Methods: Data were from the 2016 and 2017 National Youth Tobacco Survey, a nationally-representative repeated cross-sectional survey administered to US middle and high school students. Ever use groups were categorized into e-cigarette ever users, cannabis in e-cigarette ever users, other tobacco ever users, and never users. Weighted multinomial logistic regression compared ever use groups, while controlling for state-level cannabis legalization and tobacco prevention polices, tobacco perceptions and exposures, and sociodemographic variables. Weighted prevalence of ever and current, or past 30 day, tobacco product use was determined by ever use groups. Results: Compared to e-cigarette ever users, cannabis in e-cigarette ever users increased (Adjusted Relative Risk Ratio (ARRR) = 1.65; p < 0.01) from 2016 to 2017. Medical-only and medical and recreational cannabis laws, and no e-cigarette minimum legal sales age (MLSA) and increased e-cigarette MLSA at 19 or 21 were positively associated with cannabis in e-cigarette ever users (ARRR = 1.34-1.85; p < 0.01, each). Ever and current use of all individual tobacco products was highest among cannabis in e-cigarette ever users compared to e-cigarette and other tobacco ever users. Conclusions: Cannabis use in e-cigarettes has increased among youth, and these trends will likely continue as e-cigarettes continue to gain popularity and cannabis legalization policies proliferate. Targeted tobacco and cannabis prevention strategies are needed for youth, especially in states that have implemented cannabis ´medical and recreational laws.

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Palabras clave:

E-cigarette; Cannabis; Tobacco; Youth; Policy; Survey research


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Última actualización: 25/04/2024

Centro de documentación sobre drogodependencias y otros trastornos adictivos Dr. Emilio Bogani Miquel
Cendoc Bogani

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